I am a wife to a fun, confetti tolerant husband and a mum to four kids who together, have taught me more about happy than I could have ever learnt without them.

I'm a country girl at heart who believes confetti has the magical ability to pull anyone out of a bad mood and my clean and organized cupboards give me more satisfaction than I'd care to admit.

Passionate about our everyday, photography has given me the creative outlet which allows me to remember all of the mundane, messy and imperfect moments that come with raising a family.

I take great pride in capturing light and emotion filled images that both my family and clients will love. I am a member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers and have had a number of my photographs see success in numerous international photography competitions.  I am a qualified, insured and registered photographer based in the City of Casey, Melbourne.


I take so much pride in finding and documenting the authenticity of each family’s story.
No two families are the same and I love seeing each story unfold as I watch through my lens.

My workshop, 'The Art of Happy Photos' is running over at 'The Bloom Forum'.  Enquire about the next run starting in November!  Click here to find out more. 

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Are the little moments your favourite too?

How his little hand fits so perfectly in yours.
How you miss them the second they've walked out the door.
That sideways glance she gives you which always gets her out of mischief.
The endless pillow fights and jumping on the bed before the lights go out.
The love notes & artwork that you find in every drawer you open.
How her unruly, curly hair takes your breath away.
The swing rides and the “just ONE more!” swing rides.
The feeling you get after a long day when you know bedtime is near.
Cuddling up and reading your favourite childhood stories to them. 
The babychinos with the pink marshmallows. NEVER the white ones.
Making a hot cup of tea and switching on Netflix when it's finally quiet.

These everyday moments are endless and they are what makes you a family.
Your connection with one another is what makes your session special.
It breathes life in to it,  leaving you with real moments that you’ll treasure.
I believe the best photos are created when a genuine connection is made.
I strive for this with every session and every family I work with.

Your work is so breathtakingly beautiful Bec. I honestly never get tired of seeing it!
You are an inspiration not only to photographers, but also to mothers, to take in the beauty of the everyday.
— Kate Kennedy


My image "Splash a bit..." won best in the 'Daily Life' category in the 2016 Voice Collection by ClickinMoms.   Without doubt, one of my proudest photography moments.


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