We are down to our last two weeks in this house. Or home as its been for the last three years. In between the excited conversations, waving goodbye to our cubby house as it left on a crane this morning, my exceptional culling of all things the kids will never notice as being gone and the packing that seems never ending – I can’t help but think about everything that’s happened while we’ve lived here.

Most importantly, we moved in as a family of five and we’re leaving as a family of six. We’ve celebrated first days of school, lost teeth, new jobs and giggled about footprints left by the Easter Bunny. Our chalkboard wall tradition for each milestone started here too. And on top of every happy memory, I feel as though I’ve fallen deeper in love with photography within these walls. I vividly remember wishing like mad that the house would have good enough light when we first moved in and as I leave, I find myself hoping the same about the new one.

I hope you enjoy my favourite moments from this month. I already can’t wait for August’s images as we embark on our exciting new adventure!


This post is part of a blog circle I’m part of with some amazing artists called “Moments that Matter”.   Please click on the link to see what matters to Marlene from Marlene Sayson Photography this month.

Would you like to chat with me about capturing moments like these for your family?