In the weeks leading up to our move, I thought I had it all sorted. I was organised - in a kind of irritating, little bit OCD, ‘Bec’ kind of way. I was quietly proud of how well I'd planned it all to go...

The night before we moved, our eldest said to me “I can’t believe we move house tomorrow! It feels like a dream. A fantastic, wonderful dream!!” and I felt as excited as she was. In my head, it would be easy. I pictured us waving goodbye to our old home and then laughing and giggling together in excitement as we unpacked each carefully labelled box into its allocated room. I was sure we’d be settled in no time.

Ha! Yea right...

At almost three weeks in, we've unpacked only the absolute essentials and after more headaches I can possibly cope with, I can honestly say - I never, ever want to move house again.

But as I've watched the kids adjust and settle in, it’s starting to become home. It’s messy most of the time, just like our other one.  There are fingerprints on every window, just like our other one and the pile of laundry decorates the dining table most days, just like it did at our other one.

Already we have explored, found puddles to try out our new gumboots, celebrated Brown Bears Birthday, tested out the bike track and laughed when I broke their new tyre swing in my attempt to ‘show them how it’s done’. We count kangaroos each morning before breakfast and feed the ducks every day after school.  I'm sure it will only a matter of days before our littlest will take his first steps. All in all, it looks like there is more adventure and joy to be had here than we ever dreamed possible.

I hope you enjoy some of our last moments in our old home and some of the first memories we have made together in our new one.

This post is part of a blog circle I’m in with some amazing artists called “Moments that Matter”.
At the bottom of this post, please click on the link to see what matters to Marlene from Marlene Sayson Photography  this month.

This post is part of a blog circle I'm in with some amazing artists called "Moments that Matter".
At the bottom of this post, please click on the link to see what matters to Marlene from Marlene Sayson Photography  this month.

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